If it takes a village to raise a child, it also takes one to produce a seamless film, theatrical production, or televised piece. Behind-the-scenes personnel including film editors, lighting technicians, and set designers perform indispensible functions in transforming a story concept into a finished production. In creating resumes to secure employment, these people must be […]
The Perfect Resume
Like the unicorn of mythology, the perfect resume represents an ideal. Much like that horned stallion (or would that be a mare?), it stands as a proud testimony to itself, marrying quiet confidence with strength, and manifesting promises of great things yet to come. And, like the wondrous, legendary beast, the perfect resume exists but […]
Reach Your Target Audience
Your audience, of course, is that narrowing strait of employers and/or academic committees empowered to consider you a candidate valid enough to grant interviews resulting in employment or entry into an institution of higher learning. In order to swim that channel during the screening process, your resumes and cover letters must not only be rich […]
Resumes for Food Service Professionals: Restaurant Managers
In the boxing ring of the current recession, competition that was heretofore nonexistent or negligible has now pulled off the gloves and tossed them down on the mat. While mega-retailers such as Wal-Mart tempt consumers with packaged foods that, assembled and heated at home, are more cost-effective than patronizing restaurants, eateries such as The Outback […]
Tried and True?
Earlier this week, a job-hunting article that appeared on Yahoo’s home page caught our attention. Authored by Liz Ryan, listed as a recognized career expert, the article expounded upon inclusion of any of ten of the most frequently used self-descriptive phrases as being one of the deadliest resume sins one can commit. While we agree […]
The Truth Shall Set You Free
When I was a kid trying to pull the wool over my mother’s eyes, she would invariably fix me with a knowing eye and declare, “The truth always comes out in the end.” Indeed it did; my punishments befitted my fibs. Thankfully I learned a valuable life lesson, one that, unfortunately, went unlearned by many […]